Friday, 27 December 2013

More Random Poems!

The Eyes
The city, dressed in lights and colors whizzed past the one with dry eyes and a permanent smile;
The twinkling lights forced life into the sightless sockets and flooded the face with myriad hues;
But, each color reflected in those eyes told a story of its own - pain, loss, hurt and humiliation,
The emotions danced on the knitted brows and pursed lips. But, the smile stayed unfazed, unchanged by any blow.
When the world hurried past without stopping to ask, "why do you smile so much?"
It did not matter. Because, those eyes did not see the world with its fake lights and color;
Those eyes, they did not see the world at all. It just did not matter at all. 


And when, the lights are turned off and the stage is bare,
You stand in a corner and think, "did it all happen here?"


The path of no return beacons.
It is time for a cross-over,
To burn the bridges and move on.
Is forgetting and forgiving that easy when you are no more?


The Upstairs Neighbors - Part II
They are at it once more;
Hammer and tongs.
To tell the truth,
Love is better than war!


The Upstairs Neighbors
When they make love. they are inseparable, audible.
The creaking bed and heaving sighs soaring through the night;
When they fight, the whole world knows.
My problem? They do it right above my head and I have to hear and bear with both.


Colors of Love
Love is the color red. All passion and heat.
No, love is green, soft, innocent and just born.
Oh no! Love is blue, light at dusk and tinged sparkly orange.
Aqua in the afternoon and dark and dangerous at night.
I strongly disagree!
Love is all the colors in the box or crayons,
that we bought that day at the fair.
And I used all of them to paint this place for us.
Just for you and me to smile, hold hands and love.


The Break-up
Don't read signs where none exist, he warned;
The words tasted bitter and bit his tongue with their sharpness.
I cannot look you in the eyes and see the truth, she whimpered;
Tears, salty and watery traveled down her cheeks, across her nose to her mouth;
Lights flashed across the sky and the earth trembled in shock and fear;
The earth-shattering numbness of loss settled down like an unwanted guest.
The hearts ceased to beat, the pulse refused to flicker and the body turned cold like marble on a tomb.
It really was over for there she lay, embalmed and enshrined in a casket of gold.


Last night, each time I closed my eyes,
I saw you smiling at me.
Last night, each time I opened my eyes,
I saw nothing but darkness.
After hours of opening and shutting my eyes,
I realized, you and I are one,
Your smile is mine and my fears are yours.
That is when I finally lost myself to sleep or was it love?



You and I like kites in the sky,
Like Hippies in a commune;
Always together but, never with each other.


An Ode to the Sea 

There was a time when I just had you,
I spent hours walking beside you,
Felling your ebb and flow.
Telling you stories I dared not tell others I knew.
Sharing tears, hugs and love.
Sometimes with words and at others, not speaking at all.
Today, when you and I are no longer together.
I still remember, those days,
That I spent, just waiting to come home to you.


Mother's Dream
The sky sleeps dreaming of the Moon,
The Moon dreams of the Sun,
The Sun, dreams of the Earth,
The Earth dreams the collective dreams of the millions it nurtures.


'Scratch, scratch' goes the old crone at my throat.
I curse winter and she cackles. The witch.

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