Saturday, 31 August 2013

Time and I

I squeeze hours, minutes, moments and crunch them in my palms everyday.
Sometimes even as I juggle, I see time melting just like a Dali painting, minute by minute, then by the hours.
They call it balance.
All women need to strike a work-life balance as mother, daughter, wife, sister, they say;
One day, I want to hold time by it's wrist and say, "come let's rest and enjoy a while."
They say, "you fool! Time has no time."
I think, they are wrong.
Does time not own time?
Or is it like me? Juggling, running and slipping...
Trying to be someone everyone wants them to be?
I'm sure time needs a break.
I know that time wants to chat with me and rest a while before moving on.
I'll wait I think for the right time to prove them wrong.
~ Shoma

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